
Monday, April 12, 2021

Caauses of Narcissistic disorders in growing children

Praising children too often, emphasizing child privileges, and overly critical of fear and failure can put children at risk of growing up with narcissistic disorders.
Simply put, this disorder is those who are thirsty for praise .. Actually narcissistic is normal because everyone deserves a credit award .. But when someone grows up this behavior can develop healthy or vice versa depending on parenting styles. Those with this behavior could be around you one of their types 
1. They try to do good and like to appear in public to please others, this way they can get what they need, when you give praise they will be proud of themselves and feeling very satisfied. They also want to be known by everyone, it is not uncommon for them to have quite a friendly nature.
2. The second type they like to exploit and abuse relationships for their own benefit, they are often selfish. Expect benefits from others for his satisfaction. They will use their empathy to listen to others for their own sake.
3. They can harm others, they will attack and destroy others in order to sustain their feelings of vulnerability. When they feel insecure seeing others superior to them. They will do anything and try to win it.
4.The fourth type they feel the most superior, the most beautiful, handsome, smart, rich, etc. but actually in their hearts they are very fragile and feel they are victims of failure so they use that feeling to get praise, appreciation and whatever is needed. 

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